Embedding Custom Apps
You can embed your custom app into Commerce7 widgets. The strategy and steps to accomplish each will depend on the type of app that you wish to create.
We'll walk you through an example app concept to give you an idea of to proceed with your own app embed.
Example App: A Product Reviews/Rating Widget
Let's assume you want a custom app to display on every product.
- You want to install a reviews/rating widget from a company like https://www.powerreviews.com/.
- You want each review to be product specific.
- You read the documentation for powerreviews.com and you realize you need to map each Commerce7 product to an PowerReviews product ID.
- Furthermore, you want to embed the reviews right below the product title and above the product description.
High Level Strategy
- Create Commerce7 product meta-data to store the powerreviews.com ID on each product
- Create a custom Commerce7 Product Templates to insert the powerreviews.com div tags onto the page for each product
- Write a piece of javascript to access the Commerce7 product and then feed the meta-data to powerreviews
Javascript Example
The following code is simplified. A try/catch and error handling has been removed.
const tenant = 'tenant';
const apiUrl = 'https://api.commerce7.com';
//We use jQuery to make it easier for the designer implementing
//Typically we do not recommend jQuery
jQuery(document).ready($ => {
// Lets find the product slug from the URL
const pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/');
const marketingUrl = pathArray[pathArray.length - 1];
// Let's retrieve the product from Commerce7
url: `${apiUrl}/beta/product-for-web/${marketingUrl}`,
headers: { tenant }
}).done(product => {
// Now that we have the product - let's find the powerReviewPageId in the meta data
const metaDataElement = product.metaData.find(
metaData => metaData.code === 'power-review-page-id'
const powerReviewPageId = metaDataElement.value;
// Because React loads after the page load
// we have to figure out when the power review-div are inserted into the page
let isPRDivRendered = 0;
() => {
// we look for the div id="pr-reviewsnippet" in the dom -
// once its there we render out the PowerReview`
if ($('#pr-reviewsnippet').length && isPRDivRendered === 0) {
isPRDivRendered = 1;
api_key: '<API Key>',
locale: 'en_US',
merchant_group_id: '<Merchant Group Id>',
merchant_id: '<Merchand Id>',
page_id: powerReviewPageId,
components: {
ReviewSnippet: 'pr-reviewsnippet',
ReviewDisplay: 'pr-reviewdisplay'
Questions? Reach out to support@commerce7.com or hit us on the partners Slack.
Learn more about creating Commerce7 apps through our developer docs.
Updated over 1 year ago